Power board app for professional investors:
Stable operation, fast and accurate data update speed, using Cloud Service so it can bear heavy loads.
- Continuously update bug fixes, add new features.
- Smart electric board design, easy to observe. Fastest update speed in electrical panel apps.
- Registration function, login is not required. After installing the app, you can use it.
- Create and save favorite electrical boards.
- Full range of tables of Hose, HNX, Upcom, Derivative, Warrant
- VNIndex, HNXIndex, VN30, HNX30, VNXALLShare ...
- Intraday graphs, historical graphs
- Price change warning function, very useful for investors to track many stocks at the same time. Do not ignore sudden changes in price, volume ...
- Manage investment portfolio, update real-time profit / loss status.
- 2 languages English / Vietnamese.
- One account used on many machines at the same time, automatically synchronize data.
Please install and use the app!